Players for the Planet

Earth Day countdown banner


UPDATE: Dickerson chats with fans about Earth Day

About Players for the Planet:
Players for the Planet was founded by Chris Dickerson of the Cincinnati Reds and former Major League Baseball player Jack Cassel to bring professional athletes together so that they could work with and inspire individuals in communities across the United States to be aware of the power we all have to reverse the environmental crisis we are just beginning to recognize.

About the E-Waste Collection Effort:
Players for the Planet is proud to have joined forces with Global Environmental Services and some of Cincinnati’s leading corporations to bring attention to the community wide effort of recycling. After a successful eWaste event at two Kroger locations in greater Cincinnati, Players for the Planet is looking forward to working with other players, ball clubs and cities in organizing future events. Volunteers from the various companies and environmental organizations can come to meet players from their respective home teams, who are out to support Players for the Planet and to help collect the items from the public, sign autographs, and provide information about how individuals can make their own environmental changes at home, work and school. Accepted items include televisions, radios, computer monitors, hard drives and parts and all other electronic items.

Following the eWaste events, the items are recycled and the profits are turned into a cash donation to Players for the Planet that will be reinvested into environmental education programs for youths and adults.

List of Electronics Accepted

Event Sponsors:

Cincinnati Bell Technology Solutions
Duke Energy
Hamilton County Solid Waste Management District
Global Environmental Services

For Information about the Ewaste Event

Lindsey Richardson

Athletes for Hope


In honor of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, we invited you, the fans, to join the AFH environmental initiative called Athletes Go Green. Athletes Go Green provided players, fans, and teams with the opportunity to join the green movement leading up to Earth Day, this past April 22nd. For four weeks, AFH members and other environmentally-minded athletes committed to one of five “green plays” for a week, and encouraged their friends, family and fans to do the same. For example, Steve Nash committed to carpooling to practice for a week, and then used Facebook and e-mail to encourage his fans to do the same. All of the athlete and fan commitments, team initiatives, videos, and comments are housed on the Athletes Go Green Facebook Cause page – a virtual meeting place for everyone participating in the green movement. Please follow us here as well as AFH to see how your favorite athletes are going green!

Join the Cause:

Please stay tuned for videos from the Players for the Planet athletes about what they will be doing to help this Earth Day!